Saturday, May 30, 2009

This is a video of some of the art made at Anime Boston.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Anime Boston

Well, the con was loads of fun. Lots of people stopped by, some I've been seeing for years, others were new, and everyone was excited to see us. Here are some pictures of all the happy artists!

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Cleanup with GIMP

One of the best things about working with Copic is how easy it is to use with digital editing and printing. Because the markers use an alcohol based ink, they don't smear toner lines, which means you can print or copy your images onto different papers instead of using your original or redrawing by hand.

There are several different editing programs, I happen to like working with GIMP. It has a nice user interface, a very nice online support system, and better yet, it's free.

First we scan the image onto the computer and and then instead of just opening the picture, choose to "edit with gimp". This will open a new window in gimp and we can start working on the file.

The toolbox on the left had many different symbols for different tools but first we need to cut the image down to what we are working on. The little knife blade will crop the image. Select part of your image and if you need to, drag the corner boxes or sides to get the lightened area where you want it. Then click in one of the corners. This will remove all of the darkend area leaving only the lightened image.

Just like this.

Next, we need to turn it around. Click on Image, then in the drop down menu, click on transform, and from that menu, choose one of the flips or rotations.

Depending on the image and how detailed it is, you may want to make it bigger so it's easier to work on. There are two ways to do this.

Option one; select the magnifying glass from the toolbox on the left then click on the image where you want to zoom in.

Option two; at the bottom of the image window is a box with a percentage. Click the drop arrow, and select a different percentage.

Now you are ready to edit the image. For this project, I just needed to clean up some of the lines and some of the shadows that were created when I scanned. Using the earaser, it's easy to take out a few lines. By adjusting the size of that eraser, it's also easy to clean up large sections shadow that shouldn't be there.

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